You can contact me directly at: diego@guiadenos.com.br

Hello! I'm Diego Azevedo

experienced Java developer / Swift apprentice / Jenkins enthusiast
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About Me

I'm a young developer, recently graduated from one of the top 10 universities in Brazil.

I'm a fast-learner, problem solver Java developer. Right now I'm focusing on the mobile market, doing a pos-graduate couse on Software Development fo mobile devices.

I like to learn new technologies and techniques, polish my skills and keep myself up with the trends on the software development area.

Skills & abilities

Git / github
Design Patterns

My Specialities

Java Development

Front and backend Development

iOS Development

Swift and Objective-C apps published

Design Patterns & Refactorings

Experience in Software Architecture

Front-End Development

Functional Javascript with JQuery

My Education

July 2011 - Dec 2015 Computer Science License Degree University of Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil
Mar 2017 - Present Specialization on Software Development for mobile devices Higher Education Institute of Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil

Language skills


Previous Jobs

Mar 2013 - Dec 2014 Brazilian Federal Court of Accounts Intern developer: Java development, software architecture, continuous integration
Aug 2013 - Dec 2013 Brazilian Army Intern researcher: software architecture, continuous integration
Dec 2014 - Dec 2015 e-Sec Digital Security Intern developer: Java development, API maintenance, continuous delivery
Jan 2016 - Jun 2018 e-Sec Digital Security Java / iOS Analyst: Java & Javascript development, APP maintenance
Jun 2018 - present Cast Group Java Analyst: Java development, project maintenance
Previous Projects


Brazilian Federal Court of Accounts (TCU)

While on TCU, I was responsible for the code refactoring on our main library, and to schedule dates with the teams that would be impacted with these refactors.

So I created a tool based on Dependency Finder that ran weekly on Jenkins with all our codebase to keep an up-to-date state of the code dependency.



Brazilian Federal Court of Accounts (TCU)

Also on TCU, I created a tool to eval the quality of the outsourced development. The companies were hired to improve some of the Sonar metrics, but it was required that they should never decrease any other metrics.

This tool was able to grab old reports and compare them with the current state. Since there were pulls from the master branch, it would also use the current state of the master branch to check these metrics.


Continuous Delivery

e-Sec Digital Security

Right after I came to e-Sec, I used my knowlege on Jenkins and Continuous Development to improve our release process on the development team.

It included creating a SonarQube, upgrading our Nexus artifactory repository, Jenkins installation and plugins. But the work was only finished when I created a script to automatic deploy our releases on the Q.A. server.



e-Sec Digital Security

After a few months at e-Sec, I was assigned to maintain and evolve our main library, evo-SDK, to create and validate digital signatures on Brazilian PAdES (PDF Advanced Electronic Signature) format.



e-Sec Digital Security

After implementing PAdES on our SDK, I was assigned to migrate our aging Applet to a desktop application. I also created a Javascript API to allow web pages to communicate directly with this solution.

Don’t hesitate to contact me!

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